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Contact Us

Your feedback is important to us in order to get an idea of how to make Resource Tuner Console a better product for you.

Contact Form

RTC is being actively maintained by real live human beings, and if there is a problem somebody will be on the case! Please submit your inquiry using the form below, and we will do our level best to get back to you within 24 hours, though often within 1-2 hours, including on most weekends and during off-hours.

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A note about privacy: Your email address will never be shared with anyone. Providing your email address gives us the possibility to get back to you if we have problems recreating your bug report — and we can say 'thank you' personally.

Email Support

We believe that our website is typically the quick and easy way to find the information you are looking for. For additional assistance, contact us via email.

Contact Information

Heaventools Software
Pacific Business Centre
101-1001 West Broadway
Dept. 381
Vancouver, BC, V6H4E4

Fax:    1-206-984-3919

Website: https://www.heaventools.com